- New activity report shows contacts active during time range
- Tasking now allows updated notes to be sent to customer email
- Login screen security enhancements and automatic forgot password assistance
- Added incident reporting to better identify AllProWebTools mis-configuration issues
- Added ability to copy an estimate
- "My Account Page" - for customers now allows changing email marketing preferences
- "My Account Page" - for customers now show pending estimates and quotes and allows to pay for an estimate
- NEW - Add prospects lists at a measured rate.
- Fixed issue when joining campaign after business hours - no longer sends after hours message
- Fixed issue where images could not be sent in a text message from the computer dashboard
- Resuming a paused campaign now updates all past members send dates to the future. The system will not longer "catch up" on past scheduled email sends.
- Improved setup UI
- Contracts that have been signed can now be found on the customer's "my account" page when the customer logs in.
- Added ability to restore all deleted contacts deleted by tag.
- Clarified send limit restriction when uploading from a tag