Password User Access Level

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Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:50 pm

Password User Access Level

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Right now password user has a range like 7-9. I would like a preference in the software that you can keep the range (good for some businesses) , or change to one number that can only see that one number and not a range (to give some only what they need to use and see). I want bookkeeper 6 to only see passwords for her client that I have labeled with level 6. I don't want her to have to scroll through or see other passwords for bookkeeper 7,8,9. As a Bookkeeper we love APWT password keeper to keep all our client's bank, credit card, loans, QuickBooks, etc. We use it a lot and have a lot of passwords in the system. We use the search feature to find the client name or bank name to find the password we need.
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