Roundcube + ZenDesk = no previous replies shown

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AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:49 pm

Roundcube + ZenDesk = no previous replies shown

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When I use my RoundCube email to correspond with SkillShare, which uses ZenDesk, the previous replies don't get included in the email thread, even if both of us have the "show quote/previous messages" feature enabled in our message settings.

As a result, whenever they reply to me, all I see is their latest message - none of the previous messages. I don't have this problem when corresponding with anyone else, and they say the same.

Any ideas for fixing this would be appreciated!
AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider

Re: Roundcube + ZenDesk = no previous replies shown

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Thanks, Dave. Using "thread" view groups the separate replies together into a single drop-down menu, which helps a little, but it doesn't solve the problem where the previous replies don't show up beneath the latest message in each individual email.

To make sure I'm clear, this problem ONLY happens when I'm communicating with SkillShare, which uses ZenDesk. The previous replies show up below the latest reply when I'm talking to anyone except for them.
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Re: Roundcube + ZenDesk = no previous replies shown

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While viewing one of the emails that is misbehaving, please click on the "more" button and then choose "Show Source".
Screenshot from 2023-03-22 08-03-19.png
On the resulting page, press ctrl+f and then search for a few words that are missing from the email and your previous thread.

If you do NOT find the the words, this means that the sender of the email dropped the thread. They did not send the thread along with the email and therefore, RoundCube cannot show you the thread.

If however, you do find the words from the previous conversation, this would indicate there is a problem with RoundCube.
AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider

Re: Roundcube + ZenDesk = no previous replies shown

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Thanks, Dave. I just ran the test you described, and could only see their latest reply, so it looks like they dropped the thread despite their insistence that they didn't.
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