web site functionality

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Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:51 pm
Website: www.griggsachieve.com

web site functionality

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I'm just back to being more active with our web site: Griggsachieve.com.
1. Last week we found client prospect messages that had sat for 1 year without forwarding to my email addresses. LOST THE BUSINESS
2. I was successful uploading a new photo on 1.5.23 but cannot get into the files and images folders to continue adding newer photos to my website.
3. Red arrow image asking us to allow notifications keeps coming up after I attempt to approve notifications-- doing something wrong.
Support Team
Support Team
Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: web site functionality

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Hello Rick!

We are happy to help you but we will need a few more details about the issues your are experiencing. I would like to recommend that you start a screenshare to get some 1 on 1 time with someone who can answer all your questions. Here is how to start:

Website: www.griggsachieve.com

Re: web site functionality

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Trying to get a human (in person) to explain why email messages to me have been sitting on your server/site/??? instead of being forwarded to me. This is a simple function we depend upon. We lost major business when this happened 3 months ago. We called... explained the situation and the test messages came through. One client and ready prospect left messages 1 month ago and I only found out today as I tried to add photos to my Griggsachieve.com web site.


Rick Griggs
[email protected]
Support Team
Support Team
Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: web site functionality

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Hello Rick!

We are happy to help you right away and speaking to a human is quite simple! Please start a screenshare to get some 1 on 1 time with someone who can answer all your questions. Here is how to start:

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