Email sends taking forever

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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:55 pm

Email sends taking forever

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Not sure what is happening but our email sends starting around our Nov 12th email send are taking hours longer than they used to. They used to finish sending by 5:30a-6a when we started the send at 1am. What is causing this? Is anyone else experiencing this?

For example this morning 12/3 we scheduled an email to start sending at 1am, it finished sending at 8:27am ( sent to 9902 tags)

Email sent 12/29 started at 1am finished at 10:32am (11795 tags)
Email sent 12/26 started at 1am finished at 8:32am ( 11845 tags)
Email sent 11/18 started at 1am finished at 9:39am (9928 tags)
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