New from AllProWebTools: Email Pro [4.0]

By: Paige Schartz Wednesday September 30, 2015 comments Tags: email marketing, features, #apwt4

Empower sales and marketing with Email Pro!

Email marketing continues to be one of the easiest and most reliable ways to engage prospects, follow up with customers, and increase customer retention. AllProWebTools Email Marketing is unique because it's fully integrated with your console, including your CRM, points of sale, and website.

For our Version 4 launch, we've added a new expansion pack to Email Marketing: Email Pro!


Email for Real Pros

The new tools in Email Pro are designed to help your business engage with your list in a personal way. We've added tools to customize the emails you send out, and improved real-time reporting so you can see what's working and what's not.

Whether you have sales and marketing employees, or if you do it all yourself, here's how Email Pro can help you save time and increase conversion!

What's in a Name? Custom "From" Fields

Want to improve the chances of your marketing emails being opened? Try customizing the "From" field for emails you send out! This can make a huge impact on whether your emails are opened or not. Many recipients actually look at the "From" name before they read the subject, and discard or mark messages from senders they don't recognize as spam.

With Email Pro, you can set the name and email address that your marketing emails are "From" to say whatever you'd like.

  • Using your name instead of your company name might get you a few more opens, as the email seems more personal (as long as your recipients will recognize your name!)
  • Sales reps can send out emails using their own names (again, as long as the name will be recognized!)
  • Use the name of your publication (blog, newsletter, etc.) to distinguish between different email streams

We don't recommend using your email address in the "From" field, since it's harder to recognize and trust and looks spammy at a glance.

Your "From" field makes a big difference, if you use it correctly!

How to Customize Your "From" Field

  1. With the Email Pro WebTool added to your console (see below for instructions), hover over "Emails" on your left toolbar and select "View Emails"
  2. Select "Create New Email" and give your email a name
  3. Select the "Edit" button to get to the screen where you can change your "From" name and email address to whatever you would like
  4. Select "Save & Preview" to save your changes

Leave Your Mark: Email Signatures

Email signatures are a great way to include contact information and a call-to-action at the bottom of every email. You can let your personal voice shine through, while increasing conversion.

For a sales team, email signatures can help sales representatives build up rapport and reinforce branding with the prospects they're emailing.

In Email Pro, each user can now have their own unique signature, which they can choose to include or not at the bottom of each marketing email they send. That way, you can have one email template for your whole team, which they customize by putting their signature at the end.

How to Set Up Email Signatures

  1. With the Email Pro WebTool added to your console (see below for instructions), hover over "Settings" on your left toolbar and select "Users"
  2. Choose your own user and select the "Authorship" tab
  3. Scroll down to the bottom (below "Biography") to edit your email signature so it says whatever you would like
  4. To put your signature in an email, hover over "Email" on the left toolbar, select "View Emails" and then either create a new one or edit an existing email
  5. At the bottom of your email, insert the following characters, which will cause your signature to appear when the email is sent out: {SIGNATURE}

Watch our step-by-step tutorial!



Love Me or Leave Me: Opens and Unsubscribes in CRM Record

Keep your email list growing by tracking how your emails perform in real time! AllProWebTools Email Marketing already shows you which contacts opened, clicked, or unsubscribed from each email you sent, but Email Pro gives you even more detail.

Now you can view opens and unsubscribes in the context of a complete CRM record. In each contact's Timeline, you now see every email they've opened as well as every email they were sent. If they unsubscribe, you also see that in the context of all your other interactions.

This can help your team recognize what kinds of behaviors cause unsubscribes, and can help you establish how frequently your contacts like to be emailed.

Embrace Rejection: Track Unsubscribers

There are lots of reasons people might unsubscribe from your list. But you'll never know if you don't ask. You can now view a complete list of your unsubscribers in your CRM, so you can attempt to reengage them, gather feedback from them, or look for trends.

How to View Unsubscribers

  1. Hover over "Contacts" on your left toolbar and select "View All"
  2. At the top of the list, click "Filter" and select "Unsubscribed"
  3. You can now see the name, contact information, and last contact date for everyone who unsubscribed from your list

Contacting recent unsubscribes and asking why they left your list could bring you some very useful feedback! Just make sure to be very careful to respect CAN-SPAM rules!

How to Add Email Pro

Email Pro is a $5/month add-on to our basic Email Marketing, so you have to be using Email Marketing first. Then you add the expansion "Email Pro" to your toolkit. This gives you access to all the tools listed above

How to Add the Email Pro WebTool:

  1. Log into AllProWebTools
  2. Hover over "Settings" on the left menu bar, then select "WebTools"
  3. This is a list of all the WebTools you already have in your toolkit, so click "Available WebTools" to add new tools
  4. Select the basic Email Marketing if you don't already have it, and then select "Email Pro" to upgrade your toolkit
  5. You have a 14 day free trial to test out any new WebTools you select, so don't forget to remove the WebTool if you don't want to be billed for it

 Add Email Pro to your toolkit today!

Paige Schartz

About the Author: Paige Schartz

Paige is the Programming Lead at AllProWebTools.  She enjoys working with her clients and the daily challenges of keeping up with the fast pace of technology. She is constantly reading and learning about all the latest Internet technologies in an effort to provide her clients with the most up-to-date and relevant changes to this landscape.

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